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Reciprocating Compressors
Reciprocating Compressors Reciprocating Compressors are utilized in all manufacturing industries. Because these machines are capable of providing high pressure along with variable loading,
Thermography Courtesy of SKF Maintenance Products Detect hot spots before they cause trouble.   Since the dawn of the industrial age, temperature has been us
Field Application Note: Reverse Dial Alignment
Courtesy of STI Vibration Monitoring Inc. Misalignment can be the most usual cause for unacceptable operation and high vibration levels. New facilities or new equipm
Gardening: Lighting Terminology & Lighting System Comparisons
Lumen: This is the basic unit of light. If you could grab a bunch of light in your arms, the term lumen would describe the amount of light that you have. Since this is the description of th
Laser Sheave / Pulley Alignment Application Note
Large savings to be made with correctly aligned machines A common misunderstanding is that sheave/pulleys are not affected dramatically by misalignments. This assumption has res
SKF Bearing Greases and their Applications
Courtesy of SKF Maintenance Products      LGMT 2 SKF general purpose industrial and automotive bearing grease
Acceleration Enveloping
Application Enveloping Acceleration envelope measurements are a new introduction to the inventory available to vibration analysts. Although initially it would seem to be most useful for detecting
Balancing Unbalance is a very common source of high vibration that is identified by excessive levels of vibration amplitudes at a frequency that is synchronous with machine speed. Possib
Eccentricity Shaft Eccentricity plays a very important role as part of a Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation (TSI) System on large steam turbines and should be included in retro-fit p
Eddy Current (Proximity Probe) Transducer Installation: Part 1 Radial Vibration
Eddy Current (Proximity Probe) Transducer Installation: Part 1 Radial Vibration Eddy Current Transducers (Proximity Probes) are the vibration transducer of choice when installing vibrat
Fault Detection / OK Circuits
Fault Detection / OK Circuits Over the years, two methods of vibration transducer fault detection have become prominent: OK Circuits and Fault Detection Circuits. The objective of b
Reverse Dial Alignment
Reverse Dial Alignment Mis-alignment can be the most usual cause for unacceptable operation and high vibration levels. New facilities or new equipment installations are often plagued
Thrust Position
Thrust Position Thrust Position Monitoring was one of the earliest applications for Eddy Current Transducers. When utilized for this application, it is one of the most important componen
Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation: Shell or Case Expansion
Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation: Shell or Case Expansion Shell or Case Expansion is a very important measurement as part of a Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation (TSI) System for la
Valve Expansion
Valve Expansion Valve position measurements are an important aspect of a complete Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation system. Typically, the Main Steam Control (or Throttle) Valve is
Velocity Transducer Installation
Velocity Transducer Installation The velocity pickup is a very popular transducer or sensor for monitoring the vibration of rotating machinery. This type of vibration transducer installs
Lubrication - Glossary of lubrication terms
Maintenance knowledge: Lubrication - Glossary of lubrication terms Thickener or soap Thickener or soap is the system, which holds the oil and/or additives together to enable the lubricati