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Comparing Vibration Readings
Comparing Vibration Readings Comparing vibration level readings taken by different types of instruments and transducers can be very confusing and can lead to mistrust of the systems involve
Plumb Line Measurement
Application Note Courtesy of Damalini Measurement of straightness and center line relative to an absolute plumb line is done on for example turbine and generator shafts. The measurement program uses
Straightness Measurement
Application Note Courtesy of Damalini Straightness measurement is done on a large number of applications, for example balks, rolls, machine constructions, transportation lines etc. The basic
Differential / Rotor Expansion
Differential / Rotor Expansion Differential Expansion (DE) and/or Rotor Expansion (RE) are very important measurements usually supplied by the Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) as part of a
Eccentricity Shaft Eccentricity plays a very important role as part of a Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation (TSI) System on large steam turbines and should be included in retro-fit p
Eddy Current (Proximity Probe) Transducer Installation: Part 1 Radial Vibration
Eddy Current (Proximity Probe) Transducer Installation: Part 1 Radial Vibration Eddy Current Transducers (Proximity Probes) are the vibration transducer of choice when installing vibrat
Thrust Position
Thrust Position Thrust Position Monitoring was one of the earliest applications for Eddy Current Transducers. When utilized for this application, it is one of the most important componen
Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation
Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation Improve Reliability and Performance with a TSI from STI Vibration Monitoring STI’s Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation (TSI) Systems provide cont
Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation 1
Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation 1 Specification of a Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation (TSI) system can be an exhausting process when the individual parameters must be specified